To my friends and all the memories of 10 years ago

10 years ago was a very memorable time for me and I hope for you too guys.

We play, we laugh and we don't care about anything. We let people talk about us and we don't care. Some people think that we will not be successful, but we define our own success. Some people think we are just playing around. But for us, it is an exploration and experiment to test our hypotheses. "Will following the environment and the system make our life happy?".

Some people hate following the rules, and we are trying to test, how bad it can be for us if we don't follow the rules. We were bad students but we never cross the line. We may not be on the top student list, but we have enough experience.

We may look brave on the outside, but in the inside we are quite afraid to grow up. We think growing up will make us miss the moments when we can act crazy, will make us miss the moments where we can do whatever we want. Maybe being an adult means we have to think about other people.

Even though we are afraid, but we still go through it right?

10 years have passed and some of us have achieved their dreams. Some are still trying. We experience a lot of unexpected things, and that's what makes us feel alive today.

We are weird and hate to try to fit into the system, right? 

What happens if we keep forcing ourselves to fit into the system? Will we feel more comfortable because we don't have to argue and blame? Or will we feel like a loser because we lose our identity and our unique values? 

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